Kevin McCarthy enters the abyss

Are you the type who likes to analyze their dreams? I sometimes do. Dreams are fascinating. Nobody knows precisely where some of them come from, although there are many speculations. And for some people, they dream even when they’re awake. One can refer to that as “daydreaming.”

What do they daydream about? That depends on the individual. But for one person, their daydreams are pretty easy to figure out. That someone is lost soul, Kevin McCarthy. Kevin dreams of being House Majority Speaker. He craves it, I imagine like a thirsty person craves water — like Democrats crave social justice — like Lindsey Graham craves Putin’s poodle — this appears to be the only thing Kevin cares about.

And this elusive dream is appearing more and more in the increasingly deranged tweets of the House minority non-leader. Just feast your eyes on this one: “Speaker Pelosi is burning down the house on her way out the door.”

Can’t you feel the aching desire in that tweet? Can you not see the ravenous yearning as McCarthy struggles for relevancy and a job that will likely never be his?

I could see it. All McCarthy’s dreams are wrapped in the cloak of Speakership. Kevin needs to love and to be loved by his caucus. He perhaps needs that the way some need family, friends, and respect.

Only I am not the only one who has noticed the thinly disguised desire. Many Twitter followers of Kevin have also noticed. And alas! Their responses to this tweet of imaginary dreams fulfilled were not exactly encouraging.

“You’re green with envy.”
“Have you been down to kiss Trump’s ring lately?”
“What exactly is it you do?”
“It is so nice to have a thoughtful House Speaker. I pray you never get there.”
“Shame on her for lowering insulin prices!”
“The fool on the hill.”
“The Kremlin appreciates your support.”
“Is your slogan going to be “make insulin expensive again?”

That is just about 1% of the responses. As you can tell, Kevin’s dreams are being met with skepticism, at least by those on Twitter. Perhaps Kevin should get a job. Oops — I forgot he does have one, although it appears to be in name only.

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