Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have a leg to stand on

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

As you are all aware, the Republican party has no platform. They’re running on empty. But wait! Not so fast. Rep. Kevin McCarthy says they do have one! It is called the “commitment to America” rollout. I kid you not. Mr. Kev plans to roll out this non-platform in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on September 19.

Mark your calendars! The thing is — this is not a commitment to America. This is not America first. What it IS is — The Republican’s “America last” platform. So what is in this sparkling platform? Here is a bit of it.

They are ending build back better! That’s right. The GOP will commit to ensuring climate change remains a dire emergency by destroying President Biden’s Build Back better plans. They will make sure our roads and bridges never get the repair they need.

They’re committing to “putting an end” to it. America last. What else? Well, let’s see. Ensuring fair elections is included! That cannot be right since Republicans will not vote for any type of voter security legislation. Perhaps they mean they will push forth even MORE voter suppression.

“Defend our national security” is also on the list. But how can they do this when the thing the FBI says is the biggest threat — American terrorism — is not even BELIEVED in by Republicans? Fixing gas prices. Well — that’s done. So I am not sure what they’re talking about on that one.

Lowering crime rates due to the “defund the police movement.” I don’t understand THAT one. How can Republicans fight the defunding movement when they’re the ones who want to do the defunding? I mean, that isn’t us. Wasn’t it REPUBLICANS who have spoken about defunding the FBI? CIA, Justice Department, etc.

But wait! There is more. There is a “communications kit” that Kevin is circulating. It gives “tips” on how to and where to speak about these ever-so-important issues The whole “America last” platform came about as the by-product of a seven-issue “task force” that Kevin put in place last June.

So, as you can see, this is a true “America last” platform. I am betting the GOP does not pick up one new vote with it.

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.