Kellyanne Conway must be high on something

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Is Kellyanne Conway drunk on the Trump power trip? She told NBC News that Donald Trump has “absolute authority” over clearance matters involving Jared Kushner. I’m not sure which part of that statement scares me the most: the idea that Trump has absolute power over anything, or the fact that Kellyanne has become completely derailed by off-brand Kool-Aid.

The mystery surrounding the security clearance debacle is one that could easily be cleared up if our “president” weren’t a remorseless liar. It also appears that Kellyanne Conway is in this for the long haul and is prepared to go to battle for Trump, no matter the worthlessness of the cause, a.k.a. the cult.

The other scary aspect of this story is that Jared Kushner could play the lead role of a serial killer and probably earn an Emmy in the process. The dude is seriously lacking in facial expression. But all that aside, he scurried over to his friend, the butcher Muhammad Bin Salman, as soon as it was safe to do so, and that’s no joke.

Kushner cannot get a legitimate security clearance for good reason, and one of those reasons is that he is too friendly with suspicious people, for example, the Russian government. It has widely reported that he, along with Michael Flynn, tried to establish clandestine backchannels with the Russians. In fact it was one of the first things the Trump administration set out to do, right out of the gate. They wasted absolutely no time in setting up the place, meaning D.C., to be their new hive of criminal activity. It seems Kellyanne Conway will be drinking the Kool-Aid until the end.

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