Kari Lake referred for criminal investigation

One of the reasons most Republican candidates have backed off from the whole “declare victory and claim it was rigged” thing is that it plays rather poorly with voters the next time around. Another reason is that if you’re not careful, you might end up under criminal investigation for it. For instance, the DOJ Special Counsel investigating Donald Trump isn’t just looking into Trump’s espionage, but has also taken over the DOJ’s criminal case against Trump for January 6th. Now, famous loser Kari Lake may be on the wrong end of this as well.

Lake is having an increasingly difficult time trying to milk the “rigged election” narrative in Arizona, and so she’s been getting desperate. She recently tweeted copies of voter signatures as part of her latest attempt at spinning up some conspiracy theory – and that’s a problem, because it’s illegal.

To that end, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has referred Kari Lake for investigation to Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, according to NBC News. Mayes is a Democrat and a straight shooter who can be expected to handle the matter in accordance with the law. We’ll see if Lake’s actions add up to criminal charges. But at the least, Lake is now facing potentially serious legal trouble for her increasingly fraudulent antics.

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