Kari Lake just got another comeuppance

Things have gone from bad to worse for the wicked witch of the west. That would be Kari Lake. Lake has refused to concede, perhaps deciding that throwing temper tantrums would be a better course of action for her.

So, in the spirit of her lord and master, Donald Trump, the Lake has been flooded with shit as Kari has been flooding Twitter with insane messages insisting the election was stolen from her.

Normally, I wouldn’t even bother to write about Lake. Her show is over, and I somehow doubt there will be a second act. But one of her tantrums caught the eyes of some pretty important people, and that is worth writing about.

On Thursday, Lake, showing her willingness to break the law, posted a new deranged video for all of Twitter to see. And playing on this video was Tom Petty’s “I won’t back down.” Uh-oh. Naturally, the estate of Tom Petty heard about this. And BEING the estate of Tom petty, they were not happy about it.

Faster than one could say copyright, they posted this: “The Tom Petty estate and our partners were shocked to find out that Tom’s song “I won’t back down” was stolen and used without permission or a license to promote Kari Lake’s failed campaign.”

“This is illegal. We are exploring all our legal options to stop this unauthorized use and to prohibit future misappropriations of Tom’s beloved anthem.”

Well, well, well. So crazy Kari tried to steal the work of one of the greatest rock-n-rollers ever. Why is this no surprise? And she should have known better. So now we can add stealing Tom Petty music to the grievous list of Lake’s ongoing sins as her free-falling continues. Like her benefactor, Trump, she doesn’t learn.

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