Kari Lake has a whole new problem

For people who enjoy both politics and horror stories, this article definitely contains both. A hazy mist has appeared over Arizona Republicans. This is a mist comprised of fear — fear of a certain person, fear of the star of our littler horror story. That person is Kari Lake.

Arizona republicans are reportedly TERRIFIED. This is because Lake taped then-Arizona GOP Chair Jeff DeWit, and as a result, he stepped down from his position. This did not work in Lake’s favor. Why? Because now Republicans in the Grand Canyon State are scared she might have done the same to them!

I mean — I don’t blame them. Secretly recording one’s coworkers is not a way to endear oneself to said coworkers.

“Wired for sound.” Republicans recently booed Lake loudly at Republican event. It appears Republicans have finally found something they won’t tolerate. “I don’t trust her — I am done.”

This is from Republican Barbara Wylie: “When she did that to Jeff De Wit, it’s like Okay; she’s wired for everybody.” Knowing the insane Lake, she probably is. She does appear the type who’d do something like this, doesn’t she?

So now Republicans are afraid Lake is walking around with a secret recorder, skulking about, waiting for her fellow Republicans to say something — she can use..

These days, recorders can be minuscule in size. It is SO very easy to tape someone without that person knowing it — so easy to casually record the words of politicians who may think they are speaking to only ONE person, unaware that their words and their voices are being recorded, to live on through eternity.

“Authenticity questions.” Former state house speaker Kirk Adams says there are now questions about Lake’s character. Isn’t it ironic? Apparently, refusing to concede an election you lost is just peachy for Republicans, but anything related to THEM personally is an issue of great concern. So, while the Arizona GOP tears itself limb to limb, let’s not forget about Ruben Gallego, who needs our help to become Arizona’s next senator.

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