Donald Trump just stepped in it

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Donald Trump’s “coronavirus task force” hasn’t prevented the coronavirus from being a deadly disaster for the United States. This isn’t surprising, considering Trump has been the one making the decisions, not the experts on his task force. So now Trump is trying a new approach.

Donald Trump has announced a new “council to re-open America.” Take a look at who all is on it:


That’s right, Trump has decided that the trick this time around is to not have any experts. Instead it’s a couple members of his family, a couple idiots, and a couple of his criminal co-conspirators. This will, of course, be a disaster for Trump. This “council” has no collective credibility with anyone.

Donald Trump is still pretending that he has the ability to “re-open” the country, even though he has no such ability. He also has no way to even to try to do so, considering he’s not the one who shut anything down to begin with. As Trump moves forward with his imaginary plan to re-open things, he’s doing it with the most embarrassingly non-credible council he could come up with. He’s making a huge mistake here.

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