Just 3,340 votes could have given us a completely different outcome in the midterms

If you want proof that we made a difference by putting in the work on the most competitive midterm races, you can find it in a number of places. We won the Senate majority because we made a crucial push in Nevada, a toss up race that we ended up winning by about 0.8 points. And when it came to the toss up House races that we targeted, our record was 23-10. Normally you’d expect to win half of them; we won nearly 70% of them. Simply put, targeting the toss up races works.

If you want even more proof, check this out. Tom Bonier of data firm TargetSmart has calculated that a total of just 3,340 votes could have turned House Democrats’ five closest losses into wins, and would have given the Democrats the House majority.

This is why I spent the entire election cycle urging and even begging all of you to get involved in the tightest midterm races. Many of you did, which is why we won the majority of the toss up races (great work!). If even more of you had gotten involved, we’d have kept the House. It really is as simple as that.

At this point it’s not about assigning blame. Perhaps some of you just truly didn’t believe that targeting the toss up races could make much of a difference, so you didn’t bother. But just look at how well we did in the toss up races we targeted. It’s why we won the Senate, and it’s why we kept the House close enough to turn it into a debacle for the Republicans.

Now that you all have proof that it really does just take your collective effort to dominate the toss up races, let’s take that knowledge into 2024. Let the Republican activists spend the 2024 election cycle tilting at windmills and chasing after shiny objects. We’ll be focusing our collective resources on the toss up races that decided this election cycle and will decide the next election cycle as well.

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