Judge Amy Berman Jackson just took Roger Stone’s head off

Earlier today, Palmer Report examined why Judge Amy Berman Jackson hasn’t yet revoked Roger Stone’s bail and thrown him in jail, even though he’s said a few different things that are at least slightly in violation of his gag order. Our conclusion: she was waiting for him to do something bigger before locking him up, so there would be no doubt that her decision was warranted. This evening, Jackson appears to have finally decided enough is enough.

Judge Jackson posted a new filing today expressing her exasperation over the fact that Roger Stone has a new book coming out any day now – which is apparently about the criminal case against him – and that she’s just now finding out about it. Jackson is reading Stone the riot act, pointing out that he could and should have brought up his upcoming book during his recent hearings involving his gag order.

To be clear, Roger Stone writes books for a living. In fact all of his other antics are generally for the purpose of driving the sales of his books. So it’s possible that Stone would see his upcoming book as merely being par for the course. What he doesn’t appear to get is that nothing in his life is normal anymore, and that his usual antics put him in danger of losing everything.

Judge Jackson is demanding that Roger Stone explain his book stunt by this Monday, March 4th. The question is whether she’ll revoke Roger Stone’s bail on Monday, which would result in Stone either being thrown in jail or placed under house arrest. As we’ve explained, the decision is based solely on her personal judgment. But the end of Roger Stone seems to be coming rather soon now.

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