Donald Trump Jr goes completely off the deep end after House Judiciary Committee formally targets him

In the several hours since we learned that the House Judiciary Committee has included all three of Donald Trump’s oldest kids in tomorrow’s massive formal document request, each of the kids has taken a different approach. Ivanka Trump hasn’t tweeted anything. Neither has Eric Trump, though we suspect he’s busy sticking his finger in an electric socket. Then there’s the curious case of Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr seems to think that all of the criminal investigations into him and his family are rather humorous. His Twitter feed is a cross between completely witless punchlines and tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. So how is Junior doing, now that he’s learned he’s among those being formally targeted by Congress?
Donald Trump Jr launched juvenile zingers at Adam Schiff and a reporter, the latest evidence that he thinks he can truly make investigators go away by tweeting dumb things about them. But then came Junior’s weirdest moment of all. The official Meet The Press account made an unfortunate (and quickly deleted) error, referring to its own host Chuck Todd as the rather offensive “Cuck Todd.” Junior promptly retweeted this, adding “At least they finally got something right.”
So that’s right, Donald Trump Jr just said that Chuck Todd is a “cuck.” That’s how seriously this jackass is taking the mounting criminal case against him. Junior increasingly comes across like a guy who’s either high on laughing gas, or has simply cracked under the pressure and taken on a Joker-like persona. The trouble: he’s too stupid too pull it off.