Donald Trump has a whole new John McCain scandal

Donald Trump and his administration have invoked a new policy which says that when children are born to U.S. military personnel overseas, those children will not be considered United States citizens. Even within the context of Trump’s increasingly deranged anti-immigrant stance, this doesn’t make any sense – and it’s a disgusting attack on the United States military. One name has come front and center.

Numerous people on Twitter have pointed out that John McCain, who was born in Panama while his U.S. Navy Admiral father was there, would not have been a United States citizen under this policy. Nevermind of course that McCain went on to become a U.S. war hero in the Vietnam War, or that McCain went on to serve his country as a politician in a far more honorable capacity than Trump ever has.

Then again, that may be the point. Donald Trump’s rage-fueled jealousy of John McCain is so obsessive and legendary, we wouldn’t be entirely shocked if Trump greenlighted this new policy specifically to try to posthumously stick it to McCain. This new rule would not retroactively take McCain’s citizenship away, but hey, this is Trump we’re talking about – so facts don’t matter.

Meanwhile back in the real world, the name “John McCain” is trending atop Twitter, as everyone piles on about how absurd it would be if McCain hadn’t been considered a United States citizen. If anything, Donald Trump’s tantrums only keep serving to posthumously elevate McCain’s status further.

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