Joe Biden just nailed it

The Butcher. That’s what President Biden has labeled Putin. And really, is there a better term? I cannot think of one. Biden has been in Europe for several days now. As he prepares to come back home, he spoke out forcefully against the Butcher’s actions.

In a stirring speech from Warsaw, President Biden spoke forcefully. President Biden said Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”

Biden pledged he would always stand with the people of Ukraine and would defend NATO with everything he has. President Biden projected leadership — authority and humanity.

Elections certainly do have consequences. In our case, we got the best of the best. It was a speech to remember.

As the days spin on, President Biden is being spoken about glowingly by people all over the world for his loyalty, decency, and empathy.

This golden empathy was what got him elected. It glimmers, even in the face of pure terror created by the butcher, Putin. I am so very proud of our President. I am sure you are too.

To be sure, our nation has many issues. But we have a great man guiding us.

That hard knot, deep in the psyches of so many of us — it has loosened or melted entirely. Now we can sleep.

You remember I am sure, the days when we couldn’t sleep. Those were hard days and dark ones.

No matter what we have to face going forward — no matter what future terror the butcher reaps upon many — no matter what idiocy bubbles from the lips of Donald Trump — we have a real leader. This is something that can’t be taken away from us.

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