Joe Biden is leading the charge on this one

The GOP has used a lot of ridiculous talking points that haven’t managed to land in the last two years, despite their frequent repetition by Trumpers. In addition to blaming the president for global inflation, they’ve also tried blaming President Biden for the rise in fuel cost last summer, which fell apart before the midterms when demand and price plummeted.

When he opened the fuel reserves and cracked down on price gouging, they then accused him of depleting our fuel reserves, when the reality is actually very different: He actually increased production of oil, setting an all-time high back in April that hasn’t been seen since 2019 – before the time of the pandemic. He clearly hasn’t cut back oil production or deprived the US of its energy independence, despite whatever nonsense is currently circulating on TalkRadio.

Not only have we increased our production, but he’s also created initiatives for companies to invest in renewable energy, whereas the popular Republican refrains about offshore drilling are really just about increasing profits for the oil companies rather than lowering gas prices, as oil extracted in the United States doesn’t belong to the United States but the oil companies that pay leasing fees to drill, as we don’t have any government-run refineries.

The US has been energy independent for years and continues to be under the Biden administration, all while working towards more practical alternative energy sources, and it’s getting difficult for right-wingers to keep arguing that we need to cling to fossil fuels.

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