Jill Stein faces new controversy in Trump-Russia investigation

With the publication of the House Intelligence Committee’s report on the Donald Trump campaign’s conspiracy against the United States on Friday, written entirely by Republicans, and voted for release on partisan lines, it is evident that this is just another attempt to give Trump a talking point while distracting from his many damaging scandals seemingly coming out hourly. This level of putting party over country by House Republicans, prematurely ending an investigation into foreign adversaries attacking America, should not be ignored. At the same time, it’s important to emphasize that the rule of law is a keystone of democracy. In order to ensure that democracy survives this illegitimate presidency, it is necessary to agree that anyone, regardless of political party, who broke the law should face proper legal justice.

When this current stain on American history is over, anyone who broke the law should be treated the same way, as nobody is above the law. While we know that Trump and many of those in his inner circle will be indicted, anyone who was complicit in the theft of the 2016 election must face proper punishment. Election night on November 8, 2016 was filled with many emotions, but there did not seem to be enough media time given to the effect Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein had on the election.

As Palmer Report previously reported, there were multiple illegitimate reasons why Trump won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan by a total of 77,744 votes, thus giving him the election. Another reason these three critical states swung to Trump was through the siphoning of votes by Stein. In Wisconsin, Trump won by 22,748 votes, while Stein took 31,072. In Pennsylvania, Trump won by 44,322 votes, while Stein took 49,941. In Michigan, Trump won by 10,704, while Stein took 51,463. Without those 44 electoral votes, Trump would not have been able to steal the election.

After the evidence surfaced that Stein has taken multiple trips to Russia, and was even seated at the same table as Vladamir Putin and Michael Flynn for a dinner banquet in Russia during the 2016 election cycle, it should surprise nobody that Stein is now reportedly refusing to cooperate with the Senate Intelligence Committee, although Stein is now refuting this on Twitter, insisting that she did in fact turn over all the requested documents. We’ll have to see what committee leaders say about the matter.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment against thirteen Russian nationals also pointed out that Russia was helping Stein and Bernie Sanders in the primary and election. While Sanders has made public statements about this revelation and has supported the investigation, Stein has been quite silent, almost hiding. While we must trust that Mueller will get to the bottom of everything, it’s important to remember to put country over party to ensure democracy survives.

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