Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis reportedly has coronavirus – and she apparently spread it around the White House

When Rudy Giuliani was hospitalized with coronavirus over the weekend, we suspected it was part of a much larger outbreak. Giuliani and the rest of Donald Trump’s election legal team had spent the week traveling the country and holding mask-less meetings with Republican legislators. Sure enough, Trump election lawyer Jenna Ellis has now also tested positive for coronavirus. But it gets worse.

Axios is reporting that Ellis very recently attended the White House Christmas party, meaning she probably spread coronavirus to Trump’s political advisers and staff. So it looks like the Trump White House may be headed for yet another ugly outbreak. Meanwhile, multiple state legislatures are currently shut down because some of their Republican members were exposed to Rudy.

– No, Texas won’t get anywhere by suing the swing states over the election results. That case will only survive for precisely as long as it takes the judges to stop laughing and dismiss it. This is simply a matter of Texas’ corrupt Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is facing a potential prison sentence, fishing for a pardon from Donald Trump.

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