JD Vance’s new nightmare

Run JD, run! It looks like the Hillbilly Elegy writer and Republican nominee for Ohio Senator is feeling a bit nervous. Perhaps that is because he’s running one of the worst campaigns ever seen. And don’t take it from me. Those words come from the GOP, many of whom say they have never seen anything like the mess of JD Vance.

And now Vance is running away. He’s running because he likely knows his campaign is collapsing around him. The Hillbilly runaway is refusing to debate Tim Ryan. Oh, dear. Looks like he just can’t take the heat of a good campaign.

There was to be a debate hosted by the Ohio Debate commission between Vance and Tim Ryan. Well, guess what? Vance has canceled. He won’t be attending. The reason his people gave is laughable. The commission is partisan! No, really, that’s what the Vance people said.

Who else is Vance going to accuse of being partisan next? The fish that swim in the ocean are all Democrats! Everyone who drives a Toyota is Liberal. The RNC (Republican National Committee) said that the commission is run by “a hard-line Democrat.”

Tim Ryan has reiterated his interest in debating, and who knows? Cowardly Vance may change his mind or choose to debate in another forum but don’t count on it.

I say this because Vance has been under fire for many polarizing (and insane) things he’s said, including that he doesn’t care about Ukraine and that rape is merely an “inconvenience.”

Ryan would no doubt want Vance to explain these positions. And Vance can’t. Vance can’t seem to do ANYTHING, including running a competent campaign. His events have been few, and “where’s Vance?” has become a regular question. So you know what would be great? If everyone who CAN donate, donates to Tim Ryan after reading this article. Look — even if it’s only five dollars – it helps.

Because the bottom line? We have the opportunity for a real pickup here in the Senate. We have the best candidate ever going up against the worst candidate ever. As the Hillbilly Runaway hides, let’s ALL (who can) chip in to help future Senator Tim Ryan.

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