January 6th Committee suggests it’s cornered Mike Pence

Representative Jamie Raskin has said he expects former Vice President Mike Pence to testify before the January 6 committee. Appearing on the CBS show “Face the nation,” Raskin had this to say: “I think he has a lot of relevant evidence, and I would hope he would come forward and testify about what happened.”

Raskin also said a subpoena was not out of the question if Pence refused to come in. “But I would assume he’s going to come forward and testify voluntarily, the way the vast majority of people have.”

I think he will as well. I’ll go one step further. I think, on some level, Mike Pence is dying to testify. And why wouldn’t he be? Perhaps nobody was in greater mortal danger that awful day than Pence. He has information to offer, and I imagine he knows it. Until now, he has not testified, but Pence has offered clues that he might be open to it.

Last month he said he’d consider testifying. I don’t see him holding out for a subpoena. Of course, anything is possible. Pence doing so would likely alienate Maga. But Mike Pence has in recent months appeared more open to the idea of going against Trump. He has endorsed candidates Trump dislikes, and he’s campaigned for them.

Of course, we don’t know. But I imagine if Mike Pence does testify before the committee, it’ll be the most watched event in a very long time.

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