January 6th Capitol attacker has bonkers meltdown

It looks like the “actions have consequences” is not something understood by all. And that phrase is definitely coming back to haunt the January Sixth insurrectionists. Take the case of Robert Reeder of the state of Maryland. Reeder was recently sentenced in court for his actions at the Capitol that deadly day in January. He got three months.
He originally claimed he was “proud” of his actions. Spoken like a true MAGA. Reeder apparently never got the “actions have consequences” memo. According to CBS News affiliate WUSA 9, Reeder, appearing in court, mostly whined about the unfairness of it all. He also claimed he could not find gainful employment because of — wait for it –Google.
“I’m radioactive. No one wants to hire me. They just have to Google my name.” Reportedly, the young insurrectionist was in tears. I’m sorry. But I have no sympathy. What should I say? “The poor, poor little insurrectionist! My gosh — his life has been ruined!”
And how DARE — How DARE — Google has the nerve to have a search feature on their — search engine!
Yes, I am chuckling. Should I not be? The fact is this is not rocket science.
Say it with me: WHAT DID HE EXPECT?
Perhaps Reeder thought he’d be rewarded by a trip to Mar-A-Lago to tour the property and maybe even get a glimpse of the “golden toilet.” Maybe he thought Don Jr. might invite him to party at some Miami nightclub. Seriously, folks. WHAT did he THINK would happen? I am hoping that schools all over this great country will seriously think of adding a new area of study to their course list. I’d like to see “critical thinking skills” as a required class.