Donald Trump has utterly disgraceful reaction to deadly Jacksonville shooting

Earlier today a mass shooting took place at a video gaming tournament in Jacksonville, Florida. Even after various major news outlets confirmed that multiple victims were dead, and that the suspect had been identified, Donald Trump still failed to post any sort of response on his Twitter account. Instead, roughly three hours after the shooting, Trump posted a rant about how he doesn’t get enough credit for his supposed accomplishments. No, really.

Whenever there has been a high-profile deadly attack in the United States, Trump has swiftly attempted to politicize the situation if the attacker is an immigrant, or a minority, or a Muslim. But in today’s instance, CBS News and other news outlets identified the suspect as a white guy named David Katz, who ended up shooting himself in the aftermath. It wasn’t difficult to parse that Trump was slow on the uptake because this particular act of violence didn’t fit his racist agenda. But then he finally did post a tweet.

Roughly three hours after the Jacksonville shooting was first reported, Donald Trump posted this tweet: “Mainstream Media tries to rewrite history to credit Obama for Trump accomplishments. Since President Trump took office, the economy is booming. The stronger the economy gets, the more desperate his critics are. O had weakest recovery since Great Depression.” He then attributed the quote to the pro-Trump propaganda site Washington Times. Then just now he dishonestly tweeted about how great his approval rating is. He still hasn’t tweeted about the shooting.

It should be pointed out that Donald Trump is, as per usual, at one of his golf resorts today. It’s not known if he was golfing at the time of the shooting. But CNN is reporting that the Governor of Florida has said that he’s spoken with Trump about the shooting, so we know that Trump is well aware of it. If this suspect weren’t white, Trump would be melting down on Twitter right now with a racist tirade. Instead he’s ranting about how the black president before him is getting too much credit. That’s utterly disgraceful, yet not surprising.

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