Jack Smith’s psychological warfare against Donald Trump

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Trump’s meltdowns have been incoming just about every day now as he fights for his freedom. That’s a fight he can’t win. But what many are saying is that Trump is devolving. And what that means is his outbursts are starting to sound even more deranged.

There is a a good reason why and once again, this reason points back to Trump’s human lie detector — Jack Smith. The news that Smith had obtained Trump’s Twitter messages seems to have had a particularly deranged response from our orange moron. But it also seems everything Jack Smith does sends Trump spinning into one of his temper tantrums.

There is a name for all this, and it’s called psychological warfare. Psychological warfare is being used against Donald Trump by Jack Smith, and it’s having the effect of making our traitor insane.

Smith knows Trump’s Modus Operandi backward and forwards. And he’s teasing Trump. He does this subtly. Think about whenever the two men are in court together. Jack Smith does not take his eyes off Trump for a minute. Not for a second.

At the last court hearing, Trump refused to look at Jack Smith. Now why would that be? I think it’s all in the eyes. Had Trump risked a look at Smith, he’d have seen an unwavering piercing stare.

But Trump would never want Smith to see what lurked in HIS eyes. And what would be in Trump’s eyes? Pure, stark terror. Eyes are the windows to the soul. Eyes tell a story. With Smith, as he stares unblinking at the enraged and babbling traitor, his eyes send a message — that message is: I know you.

Trump’s eyes, had he even risked a fleeting glance at Smith, would have said: I’m scared.

It takes a lot to make a person such as donald trump scared. Most people do not have that talent — the ability to strike psychological terror in the man’s heart with merely a glance. And it seems every week, new revelations come out about just how deep Smith’s investigation goes.

Scared? Yes, but more than that. Donald Trump, king of kings in the grift department, has become undone by eyes — the eyes of Jack Smith, whom Trump cannot look at nor acknowledge. Smith has unraveled him — with his actions, his court filings — and with his eyes — definitely with his eyes.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report