Jack Smith hits Donald Trump from all sides

Politico broke the news that the Special Counsel’s office obtained a warrant for Donald Trump’s Twitter account back in January, which included a “nondisclosure” clause barring Twitter executives from discussing the warrant with anyone. Judge Beryl Howell fined the company $350,000 for noncompliance and contempt, and Twitter appealed. The Court of Appeals released a redacted ruling yesterday, upholding the ruling of the lower court. Who knows what else Jack Smith is doing? Perhaps Trump and his attorneys now understand that they are playing with fire.

Smith is obviously investigating the full breadth of Trump’s crimes, including those that have not yet been indicted. The grand jury reconvened on Tuesday to take additional testimony, including testimony from Bernie Kerik. According to MSNBC News, Kerik was questioned about Save America PAC’s fundraising that occurred between election day and the insurrection. This ties directly into Smith’s wire fraud investigation. Smith also continues to investigate the fake elector scheme, and MSNBC News reported that Smith served two new subpoenas relating to that scheme. The New York Times recently released a memo authored by Kenneth Chesebro, outlining the fake elector scheme. It was clear in the memo that none of these people truly believed that fraud was behind President Biden’s win. NYT quoted Chesebro that his idea was “a bold, controversial strategy” that would not make it past the Supreme Court; however, it could “buy the Trump campaign more time to win litigation that would deprive Biden of elector votes and/or add to Trump’s column.”

Jack Smith called this what it was: a conspiracy-a conspiracy to defraud and a conspiracy to deprive people of their lawful votes. This revelation confirms Chesebro as one of the co-conspirators-a major one. It was his plan, but it was accepted by others who participated. NYT calls the memo a “smoking gun” because it clearly outlined a scheme to defraud and deny President Biden his victory, and on December 6, Chesebro wrote yet another memo, detailing how the fake elector scheme would play out. At the same time, Smith asked the Court to stop Trump and his attorneys from trying the case in the media. Trump’s attorneys may vehemently deny what they’re doing, but it doesn’t help that John Lauro made the rounds Sunday on Meet the Press, Faux News Sunday, ABC News, CNN State of the Union, and CBS’ Face the Nation. His time might be better spent trying to figure out how to keep his client out of jail because appearing on TV shows isn’t going to do that. They are obviously trying to sway public opinion, for what it’s worth, and they’re simply making him look more guilty.

The thing is, no one can say that Jack Smith isn’t thorough. He gives new meaning to the term “multi-tasking.” It may appear to Trump’s people that this is some type of vendetta against Trump, but it merely shows how much Jack Smith believes in the rule of law. Merrick Garland could not have chosen a better special counsel to go after a man who has spent his life breaking the law.

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