Donald Trump has complete meltdown about Ivanka Trump

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This weekend’s tax return revelations reveal that Donald Trump was paying his daughter Ivanka Trump huge amounts of consultant money and apparently writing it off in illegal fashion, among other corrupt things. Now another bizarre storyline has emerged, as former Trump sidekick Rick Gates is claiming that Trump wanted to pick Ivanka as his 2016 running mate and had to be talked down from it.

Right around midnight on Monday night, Donald Trump proceeded to have a Twitter meltdown about it: “Now Fake News CNN is actually reporting that I wanted my daughter, Ivanka, to run with me as my Vice President in 2016 Election. Wrong and totally ridiculous. These people are sick!”

It’s notable that he’s attacking CNN instead of attacking Rick Gates; perhaps he’s afraid of the fact that Gates knows so many of his dirty secrets, which are all set to come out in Gates’ new book. It’s also odd that Trump is melting down about this at midnight, as if he wants us to be talking about this on Tuesday instead of his worsening criminal scandals.

So let’s use this as an opportunity to remind everyone that a New York grand jury is already in the process of criminally indicting Donald Trump on state charges, and if he loses the election, he’s going to prison. Now let’s get to work on phone banking and volunteering, and making sure that Trump loses by a sizable margin so this nightmare can be over.

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