It’s working!

While Trump should be convicted in his impeachment trial, and the likes of Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene should be expelled from Congress, those things are beyond the control of the Democrats. All the Democrats can really do is push these toxically unpopular pariahs out front, and make sure the public takes out its frustrations on all Republicans for refusing to do the right thing. As it turns out, it’s working.

Three months ago, President Biden won Georgia by just a hair over Trump. Last month Warnock and Ossoff also won Georgia by a hair over the Republicans. But in a sign of how quickly party fortunes can shift, Democrats are now seeing their numbers skyrockets in Georgia.

Biden has a plus-9 approval rating there. Warnock has a plus-seventeen approval rating there. Perhaps more importantly, Stacey Abrams has a plus-10 approval rating, while Republican Governor Brian Kemp has a minus-9 approval rating. So if the 2022 race for Governor of Georgia ends up being Abrams vs Kemp, Abrams currently has a nineteen point net advantage in that race.

These kinds of cartoonishly large gaps can sometimes get smaller as we get closer to the actual race. But the point is that for now at least, Biden and Abrams and the Democrats are overwhelmingly popular in the swing state of Georgia. That’s partly because Biden and the Democrats are getting things right. It’s also partly because the Republicans are seen as the party of Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the majority of voters find them repulsive. We’re in the best possible position in Georgia, and we just have to keep some degree of a lead there by the time we get to 2022. Then we have a good chance to win the midterms and the races for Governor.

In other words, it’s working. The Democrats are soaring in popularity. The Republicans are toxifying their own standing by pointlessly clinging to Trump’s ghost, and by being too paralyzed to do anything about their worst members. The Democrats are also winning by pushing people like Greene and Boebert out to the front of the Republican rubble pile, and tying the entire Republican Party to them.

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