It’s too late for Donald Trump now

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Donald Trump, or more likely one of his social media handlers, decided this afternoon that it was time for Trump to try to sound like a unifying figure – maybe even a leader. The trouble is, no one is buying it.

Trump posted this tweet, which in a vacuum, might have been fine: “I want all Americans to understand: we are at war with an invisible enemy, but that enemy is no match for the spirit and resolve of the American people It cannot overcome the dedication of our doctors, nurses, and scientists — and it cannot beat the LOVE, PATRIOTISM, and DETERMINATION of our citizens. Strong and United, WE WILL PREVAIL!”

But this came shortly after Donald Trump held a nationally televised press conference and defended his decision to start referring to the coronavirus as a fight against the “Chinese virus.” Everyone can see this sicko for precisely who he is. It’s too late for him, or his handlers, to try to sanitize him after the fact.

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