It’s official: the “Trump town hall” was a disaster for CNN boss Chris Licht

Revenge, at times, can be sweet. I say that as someone who really doesn’t approve of the “eye for an eye” mentality. But — there are exceptions. CNN this week turned the political world upside down, proving that hypocrasy, Sleaze and ruthlessness are still alive and well and living on CNN.

Then they made matters worse by having Anderson Cooper launch a mock apology. New details are also coming out that the audience embers were ordered to keep silent except for applause. In other words — they were not allowed to boo.

The whole thing stinks like — CNN’s ratings. Ah, yes, the the whisper of sweet revenge is here, readers. And that is found in CNN’s ratings — for the day AFTER their silly town hall. It gives me great pleasure, satisfaction, and delight to announce that CNN’s ratings have fallen – back to where they were BEFORE the town hall. In other words — they suck.

CNN came in last of the three networks for Thursday, 5/11/2023.

Total viewers:

Fox News — 1.40 million

MSNBC — 972,000

CNN — 484,000


The 25-54 Demo:

Fox — 174,000

MSNC — 105,000

CNN — 98,000

Oh, Dear.

That sound you hear is a gasp of horror from Chris Licht.

Well – I suppose Chris Licht can always invite Trump to move into CNN headquarters. They better have cheeseburgers available round the clock and plenty of towels to wash the ketchup off CNN walls. So I will end this with hope that everybody reading this are looking forward to a nice weekend. You know who likely isn’t? Chris Licht.

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