It’s Donald Trump’s party and he’s crying because he wants to

I do hope that all Palmer Report readers had a very nice holiday season. It is now the year 2023. And all over the world, people rang in a new year – including Donald Trump. Yes, it was a New Years’ Eve to remember for Mr. Trump — and not in a good way. So please relax, kick back and allow me to take you on a tour of the most forlorn party that ever was.

The location was Mar-a-Lago. Luckily the halls were not painted blood red (Melania may have taken a break from the decor this year.) But there was a Mar-a-Lago Gala! Come one, come all, as long as you are prepared to fib and tell Donald Trump what a wonderful person he is.

It was a black tie gala. Several women wore long, dazzling dresses. Failure filled the air as a few lone political misfits mingled with Mar-a-lago regulars, taking in the sights as their last memories of 2022 played out before them.

Who was there? Well — it really was an A list of people. Movie stars and top politicians swarmed about, mingling with tech heavy hitters and models as they sipped caviar and chatted with animation about the throngs of A-list guests. Just kidding.

Woebegone and freakish outcasts swarmed about as they took great care not to insult trump and had no comment to many media questions asked. Among the select few attendees of this island of misfits include:

– The former mayor turned conspiracy wack-job, Rudy Guiliani! Yes, he was there, looking rather grim, in my opinion.

– Also attending was Dick Morris. There’s a name from the past! Dick Morris, a “commentator” and political hack, likes to insult the Clintons and make predictions about the future, most of which never happen.

– And we must not forget the guest of honor. Hailing from Minnesota and always displaying a fondness for pillows, Mike Lindell popped up at Mar-a-Lago. What would a party be without him?

Trump spoke to the media for about five minutes or so. He did not have much to say, but then again, he never did. The sad-sack did tell reporters how great his poll numbers were.

Later, a video surfaced of Trump referring to the United States of America as being “like a third-world country.” So as you can see, the traitor was, as always, full of laughter and good cheer.

To sum up — this was a festival of creeps, has-beens, and dimwitted fumblers. They came. They stayed. They mingled. And presumably, at some point, they left. It was a dismal end to a crummy year for all of them.

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