Is this a joke?

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A writer for National Review believes he knows who is on Donald Trump’s short list for vice president. It’s a pathetic little list, and the author explains why none of them will work. The author, Neal B. Freeman, claims to have gotten the information from “a series of careful time-released leaks.” Of course, Freeman does qualify the list as “what we are led to believe.” We do vote for the vice-president when we vote for a presidential candidate because if something happens to the president during his or her term, that person will take over. Thinking of who Trump might choose, Freeman is correct when he wrote: “Not one of those names registers as a worthy Choice.”

The first three names Freeman lists are Elise Stefanik, Byron Donalds, and Tulsi Gabbard. The first two were easy to guess, but why in the world would Trump choose Tulsi Gabbard? Regardless, none of the three is poised to lead our country out of the disaster that it has become because of Trump. All Stefanik and Donalds do is agree with Trump and parrot his lies, which is what Trump wants. Excluding Gabbard, Stefanik and Donalds would be the “yes people” with whom Trump hopes to fill his cabinet. He doesn’t want anyone to exercise their own brains and knowledge. That’s what makes Stefanik and Donalds obvious. Freeman mentioned Vivek Ramaswamy in passing, saying: “he’s not ready to lead what’s left of the free world.” He also comes across as a kook, which isn’t a good look either. Freeman then turns his attention to the Senate, and those are as bad as the others.

Topping the list from the Senate are J.D. Vance (also a kook), Marco Rubio, and Tim “Skinnin’ and Grinnin'” Scott. Of those three, Scott wants it badly, though Freeman describes them as “inadequate experience” (Vance), “wishy-washy” (Rubio), and “nobody wants you” (Scott) (this author’s words). Freeman claims to have secured this list from Susie Wiles, who is a senior advisor to Trump’s campaign. He said one person is missing, making him believe the list may not be official, and that is Ben Carson.

While Ben Carson has always come across as either dumb, not paying attention, or in his own little world, he is head of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Carson must be smart given his position, and because he’s smart, Carson knows he isn’t qualified for this position. If asked, he would likely refuse. Of everyone on this list, Carson knows he’s not equipped to do the job, and part of being smart is recognizing that (unlike Trump). Many others on the list would jump at the chance to be Trump’s VP. It doesn’t matter if they have no clue about anything.

MAGA Republicans have no interest in serving the American people. They are in office for what they can get and who/what they can control. Trump might as well pick Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd for his vice-presidential candidate. If he chooses any from this group, he’ll have a cartoon vice-president anyway.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report