Is the new CNN boss already a goner?

The crickets have began their first chirpings. I refer to the gossip behind the scenes, which is at this moment gossiping about CNN CEO Chris Licht. This news drops shortly after the news about Licht reportedly dismissing ratings as false “sugar highs.”

Perhaps, in fact, somebody other than Palmer Report noticed. Reportedly, Licht might be on his way out, with some sources saying he will be gone from CNN by Labor Day. If true, congratulations, CNN, on making one competent decision.

Look — I’ve been hard on Licht, and it’s not because I have anything personal against the man. I just don’t think he can do his job. Nothing wrong with that. Many people are just not good fits for certain jobs. In fact, studies have shown that no less than 31 percent of people hired as new employees quit within the first year.

And nearly three quarters of college graduates stay less than one-year at their first job. The fact is that sometimes hiring managers get it wrong. And the employees may also get it wrong.

Sources are saying that Licht has no idea what he’s doing and making matters worse, he travels with groups of people by his side, so he has very little interaction with “regular folks.”

Another source had this to say: “He hates his job and can’t do it.” Wow – nothing like honesty. There are other sources saying the higher-ups are hesitating to fire Licht because they are embarrassed he did not work out.

I tend to believe the first whispers. As embarrassing as it might be to fire Licht, keeping him around might just be worse. Now hopefully, CNN will make a good choice in who to replace him with.

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