
Thanksgiving is upon us! What are YOU thankful for? There is much to be thankful for in politics. We have a wonderful President. We keep winning. Donald John Trump is going to prison.

About that last bit of thankfulness — the Trump is going to prison one — he knows it too. Perhaps that is why his meltdowns are getting so much worse. Trump exploded on Truth Social and called the Judge in his fraud case “psycho judge” and the law clerk “seething.” (Trump knows a word like “seething? Really?)

Anyway, here we are right before Thanksgiving, and Trump, instead of preparing to spend time with — anyone — would rather continue to lash out, it would seem. What is Trump thankful for? He was once asked that very question, and he replied with the standard narcissist’s answer — himself! Trump was grateful for himself.

What a sad, pathetic, and lonely way to live. I’m getting sick of Trump calling people names. I shall call him one perfect name. Irredeemable. Donald Trump is irredeemable. We know it. The American people know it. I suspect even some Republicans know it. Donald Trump is damaged goods and is irredeemable.

In psychology, some do not like to use that word. That’s understandable. Who would? It’s not fun to say someone is beyond all hope. Donald Trump is beyond all hope. For he will go to jail howling about how the mess that is his life, is everybody’s fault but his. He will spend the rest of his DAYS shouting about it, always playing the victim.

We will never forget the evil that came to us down one single escalator. Of course, we won’t forget. Irredeemable people do not come around too often. So happy Thanksgiving, lovely people. Enjoy the day, friends and readers. Do what makes you happy and, of course, give thanks. One thing we can be VERY thankful for is that we are nothing like him, who is irredeemable.

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