Donald Trump’s new TV interview is almost indescribably disastrous

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Have you ever heard of “Dictionary?” Not a dictionary — dictionary the game. I played it a lot growing up. The idea is one person finds a word in the dictionary that nobody’s ever heard of.

Then all the players write down a fake definition of the word. The person who found the word reads all the definitions including the real one but doesn’t tell the players which is the correct definition. Everyone guesses.

At the end of the game, the person who guesses the most correct definitions wins. Such fun! So I have a word (or words for you). Here we go: “Nuclear Warming.”


One Donald John Trump uttered this phrase on Fox the other night while speaking with Tucker Carlson. “The biggest problem we have in the whole world it’s not global warming; it’s nuclear warming.”

It IS? Leave it to Trump to pick a phrase that doesn’t exist. I’m curious about something. Does Trump just wander the empty halls of Mar-a-Lago making shit up? I mean — this might be the case. It isn’t like he has anything ELSE to do.

I can see it now: a bored traitor, an empty Mar-a-lago, and boom! Nuclear warming is born. Now I will give Trump THIS. He’s got the whole of Twitter playing dictionary and coming up with what THEY think nuclear warming might be:

“Is this what happens when you launch nukes at hurricanes?”

“How does Trump know what my tattoo says?”

“It means jello brains.”

“Definition — if it melts, it must be warm.”

“dumb and dumber?”

“It happens when you stand too close to your microwave.”

“It’s the stage name of the current stripper Trump is seeing.”

“It’s when you reheat salmon at work — or is that nuclear stink?”

“It’s what happens when you mix bleach with ivermectin.”

“Junior’s nose candy.”

“Is he referring to his personal life?”

“I think it means he’s amped up on Sudafed.”

“Is this a new tanning technique?”

“if everyone farts simultaneously, that is nuclear warming.”

“It’s a new dance performed outside in Yuma, Arizona when it hits 120 degrees.”

“sun people.”

“It’s the woke version of global warming.”

“Maybe it’s the reason Trump’s always sniffing.”

“The only thing we have to fear is nuclear warming.”

“Maybe he saw the term in the secret documents he stole.”

“blah blah blah.”

This WAS pretty funny. So was the look on Tucker Carlson’s face as it dawned on him that his interviewee had once again lost his mind.

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