I’m sick of this

I’m sick of it. I’m so sick of it. I am sick of those no-nothing types, both pundits and voters, who say scornfully. “There is no difference between Trump and Biden.” You know the type. Perhaps you’ve even stumbled across one or two of these idiots in your travels.

Biden and Trump are the same, these gruesome people say, nodding their heads in moral superiority — a superiority they do not realize makes them look like the ignorant and clueless people that they are.

No difference? Let’s take a look at these “no differences.” Relax and get comfortable as I take you through a world that will never be — a Republican led world. It is 2025. The Dreamers are gone. A Republican has won the Presidency and deported all of them.

No difference?

The sky cries with the sounds of mourning — the mourning of the death of women’s rights. There is a national abortion ban in place. Women have died. Many more will die.

No difference?

Our country is burning. Burning, burning to the ground, but our leaders couldn’t care less.

No difference?

There has been another shooting. It was a bad one, with 50 people killed. Our leader’s solution? More guns.

No difference……

Covid is back, and it’s a lousy strain this time. However, masks are deemed unimportant, which, of course, means more deaths.

No difference.

And Gaza? Gaza is no more. You see, the Republicans in charge hate Gaza, not giving a damn about their children. This should not be a surprise to anyone listening. Republicans don’t care about America’s children, so why in hell would they care about Gaza’s?

No difference…

Ukraine has received no money to help them. They are having a rough time. America is no longer their ally.

No difference…

Children — the children of migrants — are back in cages again. Some things never change, and with the GOP, cruelty is one of them….

No difference.

So to all the smirking pundits, the non-voters furious at Biden for some imagined slight — take your “no difference” and shove it up your asses.

And to all the others — the time is now. Now is the time to get involved and start the activism that will bring us wins. We can do it without these other “people.”

We want to look overheard and see shades of blue sparkling back at us- blue lighting up the night. We want the voices of the midnight hour to be Democratic. We know what this country would look like with the other side in charge. We know there are mountains of differences between US and them. Let nobody ever tell you differently.

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