Everyone piles on after Donald Trump posts idiotic picture of himself and Kim Jong Un

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If Donald Trump was hoping to win praise for his idiotic DMZ stunt with Kim Jong Un, or even use it as a distraction from his worsening criminal scandals, his stunt has failed him completely. Most of the focus is right back on Trump’s scandals, such as his deadly concentration camps, as it should be. So Trump tried doing something truly bizarre in the name of trying to breathe life into his already-dead Kim stunt.

Donald Trump decided to tweet this picture of himself and Kim Jong Un:

Respondents to the tweet were anything but kind. Someone posted an image of Trump stepping into the DMZ because a hamburger was there. Someone else depicted Kim having set up a rat trap for Trump to step into. Then there was the remark that Trump “looks like a big toe wearing a bad wig. Political satirist Jeremy Newberger quipped that Kim saw it as “One small step for you, one giant gift to me.”

Ahmed Baba called it like it is: “As we’ve seen in his past meetings with this murderous dictator, Trump merely obtains photo ops which end up elevating Kim and not benefitting the United States in any way.” Others used their replies to shine a light on the fact that Trump is holding immigrant kids in concentration camps, where some of them have died.

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