This won’t end well for Roger Stone

Last month the news broke that Roger Stone was coordinating with the Oath Keepers domestic terrorist group on the eve of the U.S. Capitol attack. At the time we predicted that this could end up being bad news for him. Now it’s gotten uglier.

Yesterday the Feds not only indicted a bunch of additional Oath Keepers, it also hit them with conspiracy charges. This is a big deal, because it means the government isn’t just alleging that these arrested individuals each committed crimes on January 6th; it’s alleging that there was a criminal conspiracy in and around the Oath Keepers to carry out the attack.

This opens the door for people to be criminally charged who didn’t actually participate in the attack, and don’t even belong to the Oath Keepers group, so long as they conspired with these arrested individuals to carry out this attack.

Now the Washington post says that Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and others are indeed being investigated for precisely this. This doesn’t yet mean that Roger Stone will necessarily be charged as part of the conspiracy. But I wouldn’t want to be him right now. His federal pardon, issued in late December, doesn’t cover crimes he committed after he was pardoned.

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