“I tried to stop him”

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I tried to stop him. I looked toward the bright, flame-colored sun with incredulous wonder that this could be happening. Indeed, this didn’t feel real. Indeed, I knew I along with millions of others – could stop home.

It was June 16, 2015, and I vowed to stop him. He’d just come down an escalator. He’d just announced his candidacy. It seemed that he was all over the sky for a time after that cursed day. I could see him in my periphery, smiling murderously; he swooped down into my thoughts often, he was white lightning carrying a deadly current.

Still, I could stop him. I almost did. You almost did. The monster in my closet became President for four nightmarish years—four of the worst years—four years in which we, the people, were tossed aside, we were wilted roses, crying for warm water to help us grow again and flourish.

Then, it was time for the 2020 election. I tried to stop him. My thoughts flowed like a wild river as I worked out my plan. All over America, millions of other activists were doing the same: writing feverishly and making a plan. You see, we all wanted to stop him. We did.

We stopped him with our votes and our voices, with love over hate, as with joy, flowing through our veins, we got behind our candidate. President Biden is such a warm person. He was our nominee. He reached people just being the soft, soothing person he is. His voice galvanized people, encouraging them to fight. Yes, we stopped HIM, the one nobody with values and morality could have wanted.

The year is 2024. I am trying to stop him. So are you. So is President Biden. Our beloved President is going nowhere but back to the White House for another four years. You see, he is the water given to the flowers that allow them sustenance. He is OUR President — the voice of reason, the voice we follow when we feel hollowed out, the whisper in the midnight hour caring for us, reassuring us, telling us it’s all going to be OK.

“I am running. No one is pushing me out.” Those words come from Biden himself. He said these words on Wednesday, which were posted on Twitter by a campaign aide.

We stopped him once. Now, here we stand. Here we stand rallying for the most critical election of our generation, maybe ever. We stand once again behind our candidate. Yes, we will. Yes, we will stop him. Donate to Palmer Report

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report