“I dissent”

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Do you know what KILLS me? The fact that the media is fiddling while Rome burns. In the last few days, the media has given up any pretense of being the media. Instead, they have become MAGA on steroids.

Think of all that time they have spent, time wasted as they cluelessly ramble on about President Biden. “You’re trying to bully him out of the race.”

The comments interspersed in this article are from people who are on our side, who smell the game that the predators are playing, and who don’t like it at all. In the days following the debate, Trump has fallen into more senility than ever before. He can’t speak. His schedule is clear; no new debates for him are on the horizon. ( At the time of this writing.)

He has begun to talk openly about jailing people. The media does not care. He has raged against many, including Jack Smith. The media doesn’t care. He has, in a genuinely disturbing manner, called for Liz Cheney to be tried for treason by a military tribunal. The media does not care.

So to all the fake pundits, to all the stinking polluted incompetent media hogs, this writer says — I dissent. Do your damn job, media. How long are you going to drag out this nonsense?

Trump is reportedly planning to try to jail Many if he wins. He won’t win and won’t be able to jail random people. That is a bold faced lie. HOWEVER, it boggles my mind that the media refuses to talk about virtually ANYTHING ELSE except Biden.

It’s as if the debate tore off the mask of those who were hiding behind it. And out came a bullying, incompetent, giggling, nasty group of human psychoses who have but one goal — to pick on President Biden. It is not unlike the bullies in the schoolyard.

This thing that Trump threatened to do to Cheney should be the leading story on the EVERY DAMN PAGE of EVERY DAMN newspaper, the front story on every website. It shows that Trump’s brain is worsening, that Donald Trump is truly a monster — a senile one but a monster nonetheless.

How sad it is that as we look around for our beloved Fourth Estate we don’t have to look too far because we know exactly where they are. They are in newsrooms, on TV screens, they are the evil wizards brandishing pens, scanning copy, frantically inking articles, typing feverishly, fingers flying across the keyboards — not about a malignant sociopath but about one of the greatest presidents in history — having a cold. Donate to Palmer Report

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report