Donald Trump slips up and makes humiliating admission about his North Korea failure

Back when Donald Trump bailed early on his North Korea summit, which was all just a sham excuse for him to meet with the Russians anyway, Palmer Report pointed out that everyone was going to accuse him of having bailed because the Michael Cohen testimony broke his spirit. Now it turns out Trump himself is incredibly making that very admission.
Donald Trump has been ranting and raving all evening about how Michael Cohen, the House Democrats, and the entire media are somehow in a conspiracy to frame him for the crimes he’s committed in plain sight. You could tell Trump was completely exasperated, and he was on the verge of totally blowing his stack and saying something he’d end up regretting. Then it happened.
Trump tweeted “For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the โwalk.โ Never done when a president is overseas. Shame!” Oops.
That’s right, Donald Trump just admitted that he bailed early on his failed North Korea summit because the damage Michael Cohen inflicted on his fragile psyche was too much for him to even stick around and go through the motions. Trump is even closer to the breaking point than we thought. Wait until he figures out House Democrats have achieved checkmate against his kids.