“Huge mistake”

I wonder how much time Ohio Senator JD Vance spent during his Senatorial election practicing before a mirror. I imagine it must have been a lot of time. Prep-time. The Hillbilly elegy writer would have needed it to practice his sincere face and pretend to give a damn about the people of Ohio.

Vance won his race in Ohio. I expected he would. Ohio, once THE swing state, has gone more and more red these last few years. And now Vance, in carefully scripted words, is attacking Fox. The reason Vance is doing this is because Fox fired Tucker Carlson. And Vance apparently thinks TV networks do not have the right to decide who works for them.

Vance warned Fox, ordering them to “stay loyal.” The hill-bully Senator was appearing on NewsMax when he said Fox made a “huge mistake.”

“I don’t like the idea of having Fox move away from the MAGA movement,” said Vance. Vance is not the right messenger. The message and the messenger must always fit together. It doesn’t here. Because Vance is one big fraud.

JD Vance is not a member of the MAGA movement. He’s another great pretender. This, after all, IS the guy who referred to Trump as America’s Hitler. But that is how he got elected. And now he’s in power, and he wants to STAY in power. So he must act as Trumpian as possible. Thus, the Hill-bully act.

Do you want to know the truth in all this? Vance might have actually been able to do some good for Ohio. Ohio is in trouble like many red states are. They’re no longer at the top of the heap with quality education. Their numbers have fallen dramatically in that regard.

If Vance was truly the man he portrayed himself to be in his book, he’d act as a “compassionate conservative,” practicing nuance, concern, and empathy Only he’s not. He’s a fake hill-bully in a politically fake universe. Vance’s persona is not real. But he’s shown he cares about power way more than actually being a decent senator.

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