Howard Dean points to “treason charges” in Trump-Russia scandal

With each passing day, the news and evidence grows uglier and more overwhelming when it comes to the Donald Trump regime’s plot with the Russian government to steal the election. It’s becoming clear that this is the ugliest criminal conspiracy ever carried out against the United States, and it’s raising questions about just how far and wide the resulting criminal charges will have to go in order to cover it all. Now Howard Dean is flat out calling it what it is.
Howard Dean, the former Governor of Vermont and former DNC Chair, tweeted this on Saturday afternoon after a series of Trump-Russia developments: “Based on what Brennan has said and what the Mercers did, I am thinking there will be treason charges before we are done with all this.” So what precisely is Dean referring to?
“Brennan” is in reference to retired CIA Director John Brennan, who recently asserted that Donald Trump’s status as a Russian puppet is a threat to national security, and tweeted this morning that Trump will be a “disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.” Howard Dean’s mention of the Mercers is in reference to today’s report from the New York Times (link) exposing how billionaire father and daughter team Robert and Rebekah Mercer used their company Cambridge Analytica’s stolen Facebook user data and help from the Russians to help rig the election in Donald Trump’s favor.
There is no longer any doubt that Trump-Russia was a widespread criminal conspiracy; the only remaining questions are which players will be made to answer for what specific charges. Palmer Report pointed out last night that various Trump-Russia players have begun backing off the “no collusion” party line in favor of simply insisting that they’re not guilty of treason (link). It’s notable that an influential political figure like Howard Dean is in fact predicting treason charges.