How the mighty have fallen

How the mighty have fallen. Of course, Ron DeSantis was never mighty. He was fake news, molded and polished into being, by many a fake news pundit. And now it’s nearing the end. DeSantis, once heralded as the new Superman is now being heralded as the new blooper man.

He can’t stop making mistakes. He has made — I’m not sure — mistakes possibly in the millions by now. As he clomps around in his heavy white boots, everyone is laughing. If the stars above could laugh, they’d be chuckling too.

And now DeSantis, once the imagined king of the jungle has fired his campaign manager. The mighty has fallen. He is being discussed even now as I write this. His name is a virtual punchline. He’s trying to right the ship but it seems to me that doubling down on slavery being a good thing and talking about slitting throats are not good strategies.

Donors are reportedly furious. That is — the ones LEFT are furious. Many have vanished. They’re getting a bad return on their investment. DeSantis also admitted Biden won the election, firmly killing any hope he ever had of Maga voting for him.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s — DeSantis. The man can’t do a reboot. He’s a Presidential failure. He might perhaps be the worst candidate, other then trump, the GOP has EVER put up.

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