How much longer is the media going to keep pretending that Donald Trump isn’t going to prison?

When discussing the New York AG’s civil probe against the Trump Organization, the media rarely acknowledges that the NY AG also has a Trump criminal case with the Manhattan DA. All Trump criminal activity unearthed in the civil probe will (obviously) result in criminal charges.

Most of the media has tried to stay as far away as possible from the reality that Trump has been on track for prison since the minute he lost the election. The New York criminal case has been minimized. The media’s coverage of the New York civil case usually omits the related criminal case, and so on.

This makes sense from a ratings standpoint. How can the media milk the current false narrative about Trump making a 2024 comeback, while also admitting that he’s on track to be in prison long before then? So it just pretends he’s not on track for prison.

But really, how much more fictional reporting do we have to put up with before the media finally acknowledges Trump is on track for prison? The New York AG just announced she has evidence in hand that Trump and his family committed felonies – and she has an ongoing criminal probe against him.

When Trump is indicted and arrested in New York or Georgia, whichever comes first, will the media finally admit that the prevailing narrative about Trump is that he’s on track for prison? Or will the media then try to insist that Trump’s arrest means that now he’s really going to take over in 2024? At some point the media will simply no longer be able to ignore what’s becoming more obvious by the day: Trump isn’t going back to the White House, he’s going to prison.

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