How long can they keep this up?

It looks like the Republican party is neck-deep in quicksand right now. This is because, on Thursday, Donald John Trump issued a command to his flock. Investigate the investigators.
This happened on Truth Social. Trump said he wanted Congress to “look at the ever-continuing witch hunts.”
But in a bit of a twist, Trump accused people of planting information. The people who did the planting? According to Trump, it is the “scoundrels in charge.”
I love the word scoundrel. I love it because it perfectly sums up Donald Trump as a person. And it’s a great case of projecting, him referring to OTHERS as scoundrels.
Trump also must be getting pretty nervous about the upcoming Georgia indictment because he mentioned it too. He says the phone calls were “perfect.”
And let’s not forget New York. “THERE IS NO CASE,” Trump wrote in caps on truth social. Yes, there is. (I always have to correct the scoundrel when he tells a whopper like that.)
Trump seems even more rattled than usual this time. But let’s talk about the command he issued Republicans. And make no mistake; it IS a command. Everything Trump does has a purpose, even if that purpose is insanity.
Can you imagine friends and readers if Republicans in the House start holding hearings on Jack Smith? I mean — it would actually be pretty entertaining, I imagine. It’s shocking that there is an election coming up NEXT YEAR that the GOP has apparently forgotten about.
I say they’ve forgotten because they now belong to donald trump, body and soul. Their days are spent toiling away, defending Donald, nurturing him, and trying to keep him safe from harm.
All other things like PASSING LEGISLATION have apparently been put on hold or have flown away permanently as the GOP listens not to their voters but to a madman.
Time has stood still for Republicans as they work hard not for America but for an insurrectionist.
How long do they think they can keep it up? And another interesting thought crossed my mind. What happens when Trump goes on trial and is likely found guilty? Will the House Republicans move their headquarters to the clinker?
Will they be the only likely visitors the scoundrel will have? We’ll have to wait on that, but you know something? It would not surprise me at all.