House Republicans descend into total chaos

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The Republican party is not good at much. From recruiting candidates to winning elections, the fact is the GOP sucks and sucks bigtime. But there is one thing the GOP has been good at in the past. Yes, it’s true! That is the game of political theater. The GOP has been great at showing fake outrage over fake headlines attached to fake news stories, which they have done rather well.

Fake outrage is the GOP’s bread and butter – or at least it USED to be. I say this because reports are Republicans are even flopping at that these days. The poor GOP. They just can’t get anything right, can they? MSNBC columnist Hayes Brown says the GOP is now existing in “pure chaos” and that they are even failing at political theater.

“Democrats must feel good knowing that not only is the GOP split over policy, it’s also failing at what is usually the party’s bread and butter: political theater.” Ah — political theater, fake outrage, or my favorite — guerrilla theater–it seems the GOP cannot even get THAT right.

Brown argues that the GOP is falling in on itself — set to take over the house during a time of massive amounts of petty republican squabbles and political infighting not seen before in the not-so-grand old party. “Chaos.”

Greene, Boebert, McCarthy, and now the stigma of liar George Santos. It’s like someone pressed a button, and all the ills and woes of the GOP came crawling out from inside them to turn into one massive, unruly black cloud that they now cannot get away from. So in these last few days, before a new year hits us, let’s take a moment to reflect on the GOP’s woes and smile and say they brought it all on themselves.

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