House Republicans begin admitting they’re headed for rock bottom

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Have you heard the term “hitting bottom?” It means the end of the line. It means for many, they’ve fallen as low as they can, that their lives are out of control, that the bad outweighs the good to such an extent that they’re lives are not their own anymore.

Do YOU think Republicans have hit bottom? Many of THEM certainly do. House Republican Michael McCaul of Texas actually went on ABC’s “This Week” and said so. “This is probably one of the most embarrassing things I’ve seen because if we don’t have a speaker of the house, we can’t govern,” he announced to the world.

He is not the only one. All over, Republicans are hitting bottom, or so it SEEMS. Believe it or not, Moscow Mitch got in on the fun. On TV, The turtle appeared discontented and lamentful, saying the House was closed for business.

Then there’s Lindsey Graham, who flipped out and started shouting at a reporter from News Max. The pressure is certainly getting to some Republicans, it appears.

Kevin, existing in his own Kevin bubble, still appears to take no responsibility for his role. He is still blaming Democrats and the crazy Eight. Yet, it was Kevin who changed the rules, allowing merely one person to make a motion to vacate the chair.

In the meantime, at least nine Republicans are running. Nobody appears to have the votes, and another argument could break out at any given time. So — I also you, friends, and readers — this House Speaker’s race, which we’ve heavily covered, watching and writing as Republicans forfeited their leadership roles again and again — is this the bottom?

Or is there more room to fall, more bottoms to reach? What do you think? My own opinion. This bottom COULD be it for them. Only it will NOT be because these people live on a planet you and I do not inhabit.

It’s a planet where these Republicans cannot hear us — or anyone except the sound of their own voices. Self-reflection is a healthy thing that almost always has good results. The more one reflects and thinks, the more one is in a position to make changes — big changes that can help them and others.

I doubt this is it. How could it be? These types of situations make me think of Plato’s cave, where so many lived in darkness for so long. In a way, these Republicans are in that cave. They can’t see light. To SEE light, one must be able to VISUALIZE light, and these people do not seem to be able to visualize anything except destruction.

So no, this is not their bottom. And there is something else. It will never BE their bottom until they can see the sunlight and understand the problem isn’t other people, but them — only them.

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