House Republicans are racing each other to the bottom

Let’s be clear about one thing: people are elected to office to do good for the people who elect them. We do not elect people to fight, nor do we want people in office whose focus is exacting some type of misguided revenge. That is exactly what the Republican party is all about. Every now and then, one brave Republican steps outside the party lines to make their feelings known about certain issues.

Liz Cheney is a prime example. She lost her seat in Congress because she wanted to get to the truth about January 6. She made it very clear that if the cost of finding the truth was her position, then so be it. She continues to stand by that. In fact, CNN recently reported that Liz Cheney said that if Donald Trump becomes the 2024 nominee, she will leave the Republican party. Cheney is one of the few Republicans left with any scruples or a brain, for that matter. She’s not the only Republican who is distancing herself from the more extreme facet of the Republican party.

Nancy Mace is a Republican representative from South Carolina. Mace appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday. When asked about things likely to occur should Republicans retake control of the House, Mace mentioned that she foresees pressure on Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden. Now, what President Biden has done to justify impeachment, is a mystery; you’ll have to ask a Republican. Mace is adamant that she will have no part of such a move.

Talking to Chuck Todd, Mace said: “If that happens, I do believe it’s divisive. I will not vote for impeachment of any president if I feel that due process was stripped away for anyone. I typically vote constitutionally, regardless of who is in power.” Yes, we hear Republicans crying about the Constitution all the time, yet we rarely see them adhering to it unless they can find some part that fits their agenda. Otherwise, the Constitution is meaningless to them. Who is behind such a ridiculous move? Mace declined to name names, but a few come to mind with Kevin McCarthy being at the top of the list. He has already pledged to “conduct aggressive oversight and investigations,” CNN reported.

Much of McCarthy’s proposed investigation will likely involve the House Select Committee that is scrutinizing the insurrection. This committee has been a sore spot for Republicans since it began, which merely shows, once again, that most Republicans don’t care about the truth. What happened on January 6 was wrong and unnecessary. It resulted from the lies about the 2020 election, and it deserved the investigation it is getting. Sentences have been handed down for several of the rioters, indicating that they broke the law. There is no plausible reason to investigate anything having to do with this committee, showing that Republicans don’t want to do their jobs but to exact revenge for misperceived wrongs. We do not need people like this in office. Our country has more important things to worry about, and frankly, our country is better than this.

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