House Republicans are heading for the exits

Reportedly, unhappiness and desperation are brewing inside the Republican party. And it all has to do with the “cream of the crop.” Allow me to explain. The GOP has been to hell these last few months, but even though they’ve been to hell, they haven’t been “back” – not yet.

These last few months have seen infantile squabbles, feuding Republican caucus members, punches almost thrown, a brief “House closed for business,” and much more. They can’t get it together. This is because the GOP is now comprised of three factions. The first is the Alt-right crazies such as Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The second are the ones who pose as the middle of the road. These include, for example, many who win in districts where President Biden carried the day. The third group is the “I’m sick of it” group. These are the people who reportedly are fed up with EVERYTHING and are thinking of leaving their jobs entirely.

Reporting says this group (group three) are “despondent” and are looking for the exit doors. Can one blame them? Here’s an example. Rep. Garrett Graves was seriously thinking of jumping into the Governor’s race in his state, Louisiana. However, he has decided to pass on that:

“This place right now, I think it’s childish.”

“I mean, this isn’t a place where you attract the cream of the crop.”

That’s putting it mildly! Reportedly, Republicans thinking of taking retirement has reached “new heights.” Here’s the thing. Let’s say you were seeking a new job. You go online to read some reviews of the bright company who has made you an offer. And you see —

Bad review after bad review. You see former workers, current workers, everybody saying what a lousy company this is. And what you do not see are any GOOD reviews. That’s sort of where the GOP is right now. Nobody, absolutely nobody in their right mind, would want to be a part of the GOP at this time.

They’ve embarrassed themselves, they’ve let down the American people, and they’ve also shown themselves to be an incompetent bunch of fools. Who would want to be a part of that? Not the cream of the crop. This is because the cream of the crop has something that few Republicans have — intelligence. That’s why, after all, they ARE the cream of the crop.

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