House of Horrors

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

I’ve never seen anything like the train wreck, that is the House GOP Caucus. Remember the very beginning? We knew they’d be awful, but THIS — this is extreme even for them. Think about all of the little pawns leaving the Chessboard. Politicians in power do not tend to quit their jobs. If there’s one thing politicians — including House Representatives adore — it’s power.

So imagine how utterly AWFUL things must be in the brooding and pathologically insane walls of the GOP House Caucus. Imagine what would be so awful that it would make ordinary Congress people — quit, jump ship, run like hell, and give up their CAREERS.

Since Republicans have been “running” — and I use that term loosely — the House nothing has gotten done. Speakers have been fired, trolls have been over-populating, squabbles and sometimes full-on fights have happened, and idiots have run the show.

We have as House Leader, an Alt-right, purity ball connoisseur whose limp hand cannot keep chaos from peeking out at every turn. We have two idiots in Gym and James Comer, two morons who keep looking into every nook and cranny for evidence against Joe Biden, who keep boring the American people by screaming and foaming at the mouth, and who continue to get mocked, laughed at and derided because of their tiny brain stems.

Let’s remember the OTHER toxic twins burning a midnight hole in decency: Gaetz and Greene. Gaetz is the target of former speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ire, and Greene just filed to oust Speaker Johnson. Everyone is fighting with each other, and the livestock seem restless as they stamp their hooves in red-hot rage.

This particular iteration of Republican stupidity, this particular house of horrors, will only go away if WE force it to by doing the work to take the House. And I believe we will take it. I ALSO think we may have a Speaker Jeffries BEFORE November if disgusted GOP Congresspeople keep bailing out at the speed they are doing so.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.