Hope Hicks is back…

More bad news for Donald Trump. Hope Hicks is scheduled to testify in Donald Trump’s hush money case. Just the way the traitor wanted to start off the week, I’m sure! This is not good news for Donald Trump.

Hope Hicks might know where ALL the bodies are buried. She and Donald Trump worked very closely together, and one would imagine she was the LAST person Donald Trump wanted to see on the witness stand. Tough shit, Don the con. And yet she will be there. On Monday, her name was added to the witness list.

Hicks appears to be someone Donald Trump confided in A LOT. Could she be his ticking time bomb? Will she disclose information we were not previously privy to? Possibly. I imagine that Hicks might just be Trump’s smoking gun and at this moment, I think Trump is likely sweating bullets.

Legal experts are weighing in, and they’re saying Hicks could wind up being one of the most critical witnesses due to conversations she may have had with both Trump and Michael Cohen about the hush money.

MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin had the following to say: “To the extent that Hope Hicks can say, this conversation happened, I was privy to it, that in and of itself, is a very big deal and a score for the Manhattan DA’s office.”

If Hicks does testify and if she does indeed know where all the bodies are buried (I suspect there are a lot of bodies), that could be catastrophic for Donald Trump. More awful news for the orange one, in what is becoming a tsunami of bad news. Trump was already set to lose likely lose this case but this testimony might be highly damaging. Stay tuned.

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