Home by the sea

“A home by the sea.” That’s how some describe the state of Florida, well-known for its incredible beaches, white sand beaches in many cases, the kind of beaches that millions flock to yearly. For a long time, I was one of those millions. Florida is a happy place, an island of dreamers, a tropical oasis for so many.

Unfortunately, Florida has a little problem right now. That problem is that their Governor wants to take them back to the dark ages. As soon as these book bans started, I knew there would come a day when something so absurd, so bitterly crazy, so impossible to believe would happen, and that day is now.

As Palmer Report has told you, book bans are alive and well and living in Florida, among other states. But this article isn’t about the book BANS. It’s about book BAN. Singular. It is about the banning of one book. See if you can guess what book it is.

This book is one of the most popular books ever to be used. It makes virtually everyone who reads it smarter — that is just a fact. So, to what book am I referring? I refer to the Dictionary.

No, this is not a simulation or a bad joke. This is happening. A Florida school district has now banned — the Dictionary. The reason? Because the Dictionary describes sexual content.

It really would be enough to make one laugh if it were not so mind-numbing stupid. Webster dictionary for students has now been pulled from library shelves in the Escambia school district. It is part of the Florida panhandle. This is all because Ron DeSantis and his HB 1069 Bill which forbids any book for children “depicting or describing sexual content.”

In that regard, I am also displeased to announce that the Guinness Book of World Records has met a similar fate. PEN America is taking this to the courts, which is good news. However, it’s absurd that this is even an issue in the first place.

To end this article — “lacking knowledge or awareness, in general, uneducated or unsophisticated.” This is the definition of “ignorant” taken straight from the Dictionary. This is the perfect word to describe the people who did this.

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