Donald Trump has stunning Hitler-like meltdown about immigrants

On the one hand, comparing anyone to Adolf Hitler is usually an overreach. On the other hand, Donald Trump is now so blatantly and horrifyingly stealing pages from Hitler’s playbook, it would be irresponsible not to make the comparison. Trump has taken thousands of immigrant kids away from their parents and locked them in cages inside concentration camps – and now he’s even talking like Hitler.

Donald Trump has received such fierce and widespread pushback for his abuse of immigrant children, every living former First Lady has now denounced him, and even some conservative Republicans in Congress are fearfully trying to distance themselves. So how has Trump decided to respond to this? By digging an even deeper hole. Here’s what he tweeted this morning: “Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!”

There’s only one word in there that matters: “infest.” Donald Trump, the supposed President of the United States, just insisted that Hispanic immigrants are infesting the nation, as if they were a disease that needed to be eradicated. For the record, “infest” was Hitler’s word. This Nazi wannabe is no longer even trying to hide his Hitler-like ambitions.

Of course Donald Trump’s apologists will insist that he was only saying that the MS-13 gang is “infesting” the United States. But Trump[s words are clear; he was referring to all “illegal immigrants” (which is his code for undocumented Hispanic people), and he only mentioned MS-13 after the fact. This was a Hitler-like meltdown on Trump’s part. At this point, the Republicans in Congress who are standing in the way of impeachment are nothing more than Nazi sympathizers.

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