Herschel Walker just stepped in it

It would be impossible — simply impossible — to describe at length all of Herscel Walker’s insane moves this week in one article. The article would likely be over one thousand pages.

So allow me to do a condensed version. Here is what our vampire has been up to this week — and why EVERYONE in Georgia needs to vote for Senator Warnock.

1) One of Walker’s ex-lovers held a press conference and played messages Walker had left her, including calling her a “big sexy puppy.”

2) Walkers’ former football coach endorsed Warnock. Hey– it’s a big deal. Who knows an athlete’s work ethic better than their own coach?

3) MNSNBC’s Joy Reid has invited Walker on her show for a debate. This happened because Walker started insulting her and challenged her to a debate. She accepted. At the time of this writing, there has been no word from officer Walker about whether he plans to take her up on it.

4) It has come to light that in a talk in 2019, Walker said his son had been an ugly baby” and named his wife’s terrible genes for the problem.

5) On Fox non-news, Walker slipped up and referred to the election as the “erection,” showing the world where HIS thoughts lie. (The funniest thing about this one is that Ted Cruz appeared not to pick up on the mistake and kelp sagely nodding his head along with Walker.)

6) Walker reportedly received a tax break for his permanent residence, which appears to be in Texas — not Georgia. Shades of Mehmet Oz here.

7) Walker went on an anti-transgender diatribe which he is receiving terrible feedback for, especially since it came directly after the shooting in Colorado.

8) Walker also released an ad targeting transgender athletes, which was so dreadful, CNN actually put aside its “both sides” mantra for a bit to shred Walker for it.

And this is just the last week or so! The fact is Walker is completely and totally incompetent, and as bad as this list is, I am sure there will be even worse stuff next week. He can’t help it, you see. It’s just who Walker is.

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